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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  January 18, 2013 5:00pm-7:00pm PST

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station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: breaking news tonight out of hayward - the search for a missing thirteen- year-old. this is her picture - delicia moreno. the girl's mother says. the child was last seen dropping her sister off at school yesterday morning. grant lodes is standing by with more details. grant? >> she was last seen at burbank's elementary school. at interstate 88 th0 normally, she goes to school after she drops off per child sister. this is near jackson street. apparently, there is surveillance video of her leaving the school. that is what we know right now. >> we should add thatright now. kron-4 crews are on the way to scene of where talk with the girl's mother.
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the parents say, they believe a family member -- obsessed with the young girl, could be trying to take her out of the state. we'll have a live report ahead. >> tonight at five. the golden state crosses a new threshold in the flu epidemic. (sneezing) today california joined the cdc's list of states where the disease is widespread. and the death toll is climbing: nealy a half=dozen californians under the age of 65. this year's flu vaccine: 62 percent effective. doctors say it's not too late to protect yourself. kron four team coverage shows you where you can find a clinic near you. or even get a shot while you are picking up a quart of milk new tonight -- more shortages of the flu shot being reported in isolated spots around the bay area. kron4's justine waldman is in fremont -- where health officials are trying to get
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everyone vaccinated. child screaming) >> so i thought good opportunity >> reporter: between the flu clinics on thursday and friday.. the hospital gave out 263. shots. >> and is debating whether to hold other clinics next week. the news of the first food death motivated these self- proclaimed procrastinators. >> i usually get one in november but i waited. i was kind of busy. >> i thought that i better get one. >> i went and saw everybody going to the hospital and i called and the hospital was nice enough to say to come on over. >> at $10 per shot. that
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short wait and being able to get a flu shot. >> some places are charging $50. and this is a good opportunity. >> thursday, friday, washington hospital gave out 263. it is debating weather or not to hold clinics again next week. justin waldman, kron 4. >> this is a website where you can get this so easy and close to your house or work. continuing our coverage. one local grocery store chain has doubled up on its doses of the flu vaccine. this is called some of these locations will carry the flu shot are here on the left side. you can click on the pharmacy and
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they will show what is available again, the three closest are on the left, this cvs. they have a flu shot, the high dose and intradermal. and also using the navigation to find a store that works for you. with spot shortages flu shot oand this website is and as kron four's terisa estacio reports, so far, there haven't been any shortages. despite a steady stream of people lining up for a shot. >> reporter: one by one people showed up at this safeway in pleasanton. all in hopes of getting a flu shot. and they were in luck, there was plenty to go around. >> i feel lucky today. >> reporter: pleasanton pharmacy manager quan tran. says, just this week, they
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received more supplies to handle the increased demand for the vaccine >> we have received 200,000 active since. and we have the necessary more supply necessary is on the way. >> reporter: quan says, the company has an elaborate computer system. allowing his colleages at other 150 safeway pharmacys in the bay area to check in and request more doses if needed. >> we planned this out, and glad we did so. we have this adequately planned. and we track our inventory every day. >> reporter: tran says he anticipicates they will continue to be busy. especially as the news spread that the flu season is getting worse. he says many people say they put off getting the shot until recently for a variety of reasons. teresa estacio, kron 4 news. >> pam: the 49ers on the way to atlanta. in advance of the n-f-c
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championship game against the falcons. the winner - headed to the superbowl. this is video of the team leaving 49ers headquarters this afternoon. the players and coaches are not the only ones heading to the big game. so is our very own j-r stone. he's live for us tonight at 49ers headquarters. j.r? >> reporter: yes. they are in the air with players and coaches are bound for atlanta, georgia. also known as the a t l. i will actually go to that area, with weekend coverage. however, jim harbaugh spoke this afternoon at also colin kaepernick. the man of the hour. we are going to go to atlanta. but it is business as usual. >> it is going to be the same routine that we always do. i do not have time to stop and think right now too much work to be done. this is 100 percent this is what
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we work for all season >> reporter: i spoke with dozens of fans and i asked them if they were going to the fans and the " is i wish. i get to go in and i leave tomorrow for atlanta. i will have a live report and i will have live reports on this sunday morning, sunday evening. however, more on this topic with gary radnich, later. >> pam: thank you, j. r.. our team coverage continues tonight across the the bay area 49er fever is spreading like wildfire and the only cure may be another trip to the superbowl. kron4's rob fladeboe. was also at 49ers headquarters -- as fans gave the team an enthusiastic send-off. >> reporter: there they go, quarterback 'c-cap,' colin kapernick, vernon davis, big joe staley and of course, coach jim harbaugh, like so many gladiotors off to do battle with the falcons and the excitement is building.
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>> they say that we are ready and we are determined. >> reporter: a few dozen member of the 49er faithful were on hand to see the team off on friday amid great expectations. >> we are hungry, we are going to take it to the end. >> reporter: running back frank gore, among others, signed autographs while other fans poured over old newspapers from the niner glory days of the 80's, making bold predictions about a new dynasty. we are going to keep this dynasty going. >> reporter: meanwhile, number seven and his teammates tuned up one last time on the practice field, coach harbaugh declared his team ready, the lockeroom packed up and loaded onto trucks while outside the faithful tossed around a pigskin-full of memories. >> we have frank galore. up- and-coming quarterback. the
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49ers, all of the day. - gore.. >> reporter: and then, 6- busloads of red and gold pulled out for what the faithful are hoping will be the beginning of a roadtrip that ends at the super bowl. in santa clara rob fladeboe >> 49ers fever is outta control. a tee-shirt and onsie that read. :lil niner empire:. we're collecting niners fans photos on our kron-04 facebook fan page. send yours in - it can be a message on facebook. we'll be showcasing several more niners fan pics later in the show. >> pam: warmer weather on the way you're looking live from our mount tamalpais camera, and downtown san francisco. i'm here in the weather center with meteorologist brian van aken. brian, are we done with the freezing cold yet? >> we still have those cold
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temperatures at night. tens of the upper 50s and 60s. sunnyvale, 61 but still very cold at night and in the early morning hours. 7:00 a.m., the 20's through santa rosa, napa, fairfield. 30's and 40's for oakland. in the south bay, another cold evening fiord milpitas. 36 in redwood city but we have beautiful weather, not for this holiday weekend. catherine? >> catherine: the problems surrounding boeing's 787's continues. now - the company has stopped delivery of the planes. boeing says the manufacturing process has not been halted -- but the planes won't be sent out until safety problems have been solved. almost all of the dreamliners have been a string of problems - including battery fires. it's now believed that the
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lithium batteries used in the 787's were over- charged. that doesn't explain all the problems however -- including a cracked cockpit window. >> pam: changes to airport security. the transportation security adminstration says body scanners, which produce graphic images people nude will be removed from airports. the so called "virtual strip" searches have generated some concrens among travelers. the moves comes after the manufacturer admitted it couldn't meet a deadline set by lawmakers to install privacy software on the machines. one of airports using the scanners is oakland international. kron4's haaziq madyun has >> reporter: air travelers here in oakland will soon say good bye to full body scanners that reveal the outline of their naked bodies as the result of a congrssional mandatethe transportation security administration has to replace all of the current body scanners at u.s. airports with a less
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invasive systemcalled non- imaging automated target recognition l3 communications was awarded the contract to replace the old systemhere is an example of how it worksinstead of seeing the x-ray of an actual human beinga generic image will appear on the security screenthe computer program will automatically detect and display the location of any objects concealed on the body congress has set a deadline of june 2013 for changing to the new scanners the move is expected to make passengers concerned for their privacy feel more at ease as they pass through security check pointshowever if air travelers still object to having their bodies scannedthe pat down procedure will remain as the other optionat the oakland airport haaziq madyun kron4news >> catherine: it's happened again - a person pushed onto subway tracks. but this time, it was all caught on video - i'll have the story at 5-30. >> pam: but first, he's known as the "toll booth killer". and today - a judge decided
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whether he will live out his life behind bars - or be executed. >> and reaction to lance armstrong's cheating and lying - coming to a boiling point. what his fans - former teammates - and others are saying. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or why it doesn't have to be an adventure to stick to your new year's budget. because safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. right now, a case of arrowhead water is just $3.33. folgers is $7.99 for the large size. that's a huge deal. rise and shine. simply orange oj is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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real big deals this week and every week. [ traffic passing ] ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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>> catherine:
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some of these algeria and ed and the american that has a confirmed from dead is from texas >> in bay area news >> pam: may be another trip to the49ers fever is outta
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strip" searches have person pushed onto subway point. saying. >> pam: the man who gunned down two people on the richmond- san rafael bridge toll plaza back in 2009-- is sentenced to death. nathan burris received the death penalty after an emotional hearing in martinez. burris is charged with the killing of his former girlfriend and her male friend-- who he believes were romantically involved. the sentence comes after the judge granted that burris would spend the rest of his this man is behind bars after he is accused in a drive by shooting santa cruz police say it started when jonah namauu got into an argument with two men and fired shots from his black volkswagon jetta. investigators say they did find the gun and bullet casings in namauu's car. >> this woman is behind bars. police say she talked a lonely elderly man out of a luxury car, money and a home-- before leaving him broken hearted and bankrupkt. samantha pham is now facing theft charges swindle began back in 2009, when she cold-called the >> -- reaction to lance
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france winner admitted to lying to the world in an interview with oprah. it turns out it was all one big lie for lance armstrong---- in an one-on-one interview with oprah winfrey. >> winfrey: yes or no, in all seven of your tour de france victories, did you ever take banned substances or blood dope? >> armstrong: yes. >> reporter: it's a confession that has the cycling world spinning. from my point of view we haven't even scratched the surface. there's just far too many questions and gaps in his story. >> reporter: there was even a watch party at a bike shop in austin where a famed signed yellow jersey hangs. >> it's hard to trust him, so how can we trust what he's saying now is the truth because he's lied so long. just another lie. >> reporter: like everywhere else, his hometown is abuzz. >> i still love him i guess at heart. but i think it's really shady he kept this from us for so long. >> reporter: after adamantly denying doping accusations for little, too late -- especially for those who spoke out against armstrong. >> this is a guy who used to be my friend who decimated me. he could have come clean. he owed it to me. he owes it to the sport that he destroyed. >> reporter: so why now? >> because he likes risk. he and feels he's big enough to pull it off. >> the number one thing
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that lance armstrong has to do, if he hopes to get back in the public eye and have any credibility, is come completely clean, be totally remorseful, absolutely apologetic. >> reporter: in washington, i'm tory dunnan kron4 news. >> what a beautiful day! this live view of the oakland toll plaza. we are one to see the sunshine and warm temperatures. however, it is still going to be on the cold side. saturday, temperatures are corn to be with 60s in even cold temperatures in the morning. possibly, upper 60s. the
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satellite showing clear skies. typically, there are storms i'm of the year. that could change by mid-week. for tomorrow, not the case. mid 60s for the south bay. similar attempts to what we had today. upper 50s and 60 62 degrees. here is a look at the holiday weekend. the weekend looking great. still cold in the morning. 20's inland. and there is fat
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chance for some light rain look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy
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u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud.
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we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible. experience thehas your ticket pressure-relieving comfort of tempur-pedic, and sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. get 36 months interest-free financing: no down, and no interest for 3 years. plus, get free same-day delivery. sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee, interest-free financing, and free that's the ticket! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is on now. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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>> less than 48 hours til game day. 49ers fans can't wait, and they're sharing pictures like these on our kron-4 facebook fan page where we have a whole gallery set up. this one's great but the cuteness does not stop here. check out this picture of miles rockin his alex smith jersey and hat. thanks to nina for sending this in. number seven kaepernick and speaking of the starting q-b. this young lady is kaepernicking.that's the hip new thing - kissing your bicep just like colin kaepernick when he scores touchdowns. and all the kids are kaepernicking.that's good eye contact with the camera while kissing the gun.
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hardcore fan here. bandana, eye black. who's got it better than us. noooobody. this guy remembers the dynasty days - montana jersey on - family all around. ready for game day right you've gotta be kidding me with this one. looks like this niners fan is wearing a custom fitted tank top. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. at&t u-verse high speed internet offers more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hotspots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hotspot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hotspot network,
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with over 30,000 hotspots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪
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>> this just in to the kron 4 news room this project is expected to last 4.5 months. caltran has allocated $3 million to repair that section of the bridge.
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>> pam: the 49ers. gary radnich? >> yes, the quarterback played well. and it was the chance to get patrick wallace. he is going to cover tony gonzales. 49ers are stain get four points. and stainand four. sustained di
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for four points. and harbaugh. >> a big task. we are going to play the atlanta falcons. people have said some nice things about us, that is nice and also the nice thing is making the cover of sports illustrated. i would not change anything about what our job is. >> he is one of the best that we have had. just everybody is very excited >> we are favored to win. we're not looking at that we are looking at to get respect >> it is all about
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executing and finishing. so we are going to do what we are going to do. >> this is what we have worked for all season. i do not have time to stop and think right now. >> once again, the 49ers are the favorite. unlike last night, the green bay has. rogers. butyou talk to people all across the country. that is all they talked about. the forty-niners, the 49ers and we should mention that the greek j. r. stone. he is going to be there, the great-j r stone. he will be in atlanta. what are you looking at over there? maybe he is nervous about the game. >> pam: which will see more from you? 6:45?
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>> yes what is going on over there? >> pam: thank you, with serious .... news out of hayward. and we do have someone on the phone. just a quick update on the status of this search. >> caller: we just found out about this yesterday. she went to school and dropped her sister off and was supposed to go to middle school and never showed up. we believe that she is with
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her neighbor. a 22 year-old. so we are actively searching for both of them, actually. >> will this lead to an amber color? >> and a amber alert is when this will not be in tampa.... >> pam: are you saying -- this is not an amber color? >> correct. this is not in a amber alert. >> what about the safety? >> when you have someone of this age and not at home of course there is a concern. >> where do think they may be? >> we do not know. there are times of course one a year ar they suspected a real when
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someone is taking a child do you believe that she is safe with this man. >> we have nothing to indicate anything differently. we believe that because of her age we certainly would like to find both of them. >> pam: we have a reporter on the area. thank you for the update. >> catherine: philadelphia police have arrested a man blamed for a shocking act of violence in the city's subway. surveillance video shows what happened tuesday. after asking a 23-year-old woman for a lighter.he returns and attacks her. eventually pulling her off a bench by her feet.and dragging her over to the tracks where he throws her fortunately the woman quickly- and had only minor track the man down. they think he may have
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mental health problems. in the new york post. pushed onto the tracks by inauguration. m1 president obama celebrates his second term inauguration. when the president -- mundane -- there have been adetails for the organizersin the end -- they just hope it will be fun - and relatively problem free.
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a few facts about how these crowds will be handled. the secret service will bea new app is designed to spots -- which happened in 2009. there's continued concern over whether there will be enough porta-potties. also - a new pastor has been chosen to give the benediction. unlike the first choice - luis leon supports same sex marriage.
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the estimated cost - about 40-million dollars. the tradition is almost as old as the country itself. this is teddy roosevelt's parade in 1905. and as the years went by.the ceremonies become more and more tightly controlled and choreographed. this years inauguration committee had 432 staff members. nothing is left to chance - they're rehearsing the swearing in - using stand- ins for the first family. a tightly controlled secret - where the president will get out and walk part of the parade route. it's become an expected part of the inaugural parade. and we now know the president's 'playlist' of performers includes katy perry, beyonce, usher, stevie wonder and john legend. among the high school students invited to the parade. the iowa drill and drum corps the first family liked 'so' much last time -- they're invited back. and a new term means a new portrait - by white house photographer pete souza. here's the old one from 2009. the new one shows the president with a bigger smile.despite what could be the rough waters ahead. the president has been working hard on his speech. he's eager to make the most of this twice-in-a-lifetime chance to command the world's attention. he's hoping to turn the page on a first term marked by economic turmoil. >> there's been unusually nasty winter weather in america's south. including here in alabama. traffic came to a halt for hours on i-65 - after a series of accidents on a snowy highway. state troopers say it started with a jack-knifed big rig. drivers were stranded from thursday afternoon until this morning -- and many had no food or water. the red cross tried to help - but couldn't reach everyone.
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>> another area getting stormy weather - southwest virginia. this area got 13 inches of snow.which also caused big problems for drivers. trying to look on the bright side.some residents point out that it's been good business for tow truck drivers and hotels along the interstate. >> what is a weatherman to do when his computer system crashes? the answer apparently is use what's on hand -- even if it's just paper and markers. >> let us take a look at your headlines will talk about a cold start. this is what we're looking at, your eight day planner. >> catherine: that's andrew kozak - who works in tulsa. andrew has a sense of humor. he went on to draw the 8-day forecast. and to show how he felt when his computer went down.and when he found out it would be fixed. brian, what would you be
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that creative? [laughter] >> that the weather looks beautiful for this evening. take a look this is from mount tam looking over the ocean, beautiful. for this evening, clear skies. and temperatures are going to get cold. getting into the 20s in the coming 30's by the bay and as the go for the bay tomorrow lots of sunshine. and the warmest areas will get to the 60s. the futurecast, by 7:00 a.m., those are the cold temperatures. notice the north bay. and also, 20's towards fairfield as we go format late morning hours and eventually the afternoon. we will look at 60s once again. what we can expect for the rest of the holiday weekend, coming up.
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>> this key and snowboard and skiing season but these amazing oakland oakley-- goggles. if you'o're lreing inth mtherar sev se cre n'n'disedie,e, ask yok ur gas goentoeologoltei, tabouabhumihu ada amumamu who hao ve tri t oth o med matit bustilstexpeexenceen shumihura can cowerowour ouilitl fig f inf itiontiemissmin.n. inclinuding intubercbeosisos serious,ou sometomes fesal ealno or oblood,oo liverivndncca, ,havndrvourvsystsy pro pems,em
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and new neor wor wningniearteafr seriouris allealic ricctioct,, before sretartinrthumihu, yo, ctorcthoulhotestteou fou tb. t astell you yr doctdo if iu hau d tbd hepahetis tiom cn.n. are pre one toe nfecnfons,oc fever,ve fatigat, co, h, oh,soro
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real big deals of the week. or why it doesn't have to be an adventure to stick to your new year's budget. because safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. right now, a case of arrowhead water is just $3.33. folgers is $7.99 for the large size.
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that's a huge deal. rise and shine. simply orange oj is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. >> now for today's market update. stocks end the week mostly up. and post their third straight week of gains. g-e helped fuel the dow. after reporting a strong quarter thanks to growth in several emerging markets. on wall street. the dow rose 53-points to end the week about 13-thousand-600. the nasdaq lost a point. and the s-and-p-500 gained five points to close at another five-year high.
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gabe slate tech report check these out from oakley snow goggles they have a build in the video screen. that video screen is in the lower right corner. you can still ski, snowboard and it will not distract you and it is easy to ignore. however, it is there in the lower right corner. it is fair to display information, temperature, speed. there you are getting. your altitude. and even if you take a jump. and it has a built-in navigation to show you where you are on a map. with friends, family are at the same resort or on the oakley aft on their smart phone? you'll be able to see exactly where they are with
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the 0 plea -- smart app. - these will connect to your smart phone feel blue tooth. and this control on your wrist. via-blue tooth. what is great is having your goggles is that if you have a text message you will see that text message on your ski goggles. you do not have to fumble. even a phone call, you can see the caller id. gabe slate tech report. ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health.
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it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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>> we have some glorious
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weekend weather. some high clouds for the the current forecast but plenty of sunshine expected. and on monday. as we go for the weekend. we are going to start off cold. that will be the theme for saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday, there is a another chance of rain fall on wednesday. that is when a storm will begin shifting. making its way towards california. the sierras, looking nicelots of su. temperatures in the mid upper 40's. take a look at the cold readings. just single digits and 20's for the north bay. below freezing and concord, pleasanton, livermore, 36 degrees in san jose. tens
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clearly fifties and 40's. highs for this afternoon, with-temperatures and nearly in the 50s. nearly 60s in oakland, san jose, oakland. your kron 4 7 day around the bay for the next seven days look great. >> pam: two missing girls are rescued - but that doesn't mean a happy ending. an iconic action star returns to the big scren, and a drama about revenge against a corrupt politician. here's a preview of this week's new releases in now showing. >> two young sisters lose their parents and disappear all on the same day. years later they are found - but that's just where the story begins.
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"mama" is a thriller about the terrifying happenings that occur when the girls move into their relatives home. "mama" is rated pg-13. >> ah-nuld is back! in "the last stand" - arnold schwarzenegger plays lawman ray owens who has left los angeles for a more peaceful small-town existence. that's all shattered when a drug kingpin escapes federal custody - and owens and his modest police force are the only thing preventing the villian from slipping over the u-s mexican border. "the last stand" is rated r >> in a city teeming with corruption - mark wahlberg plays an ex-police officer looking for revenge against the man who double-crossed him. unfortunately that man is the town's mayor and most powerful figure - played by russell crowe. that's the plot of "the broken city" - which also features catherine zeta jones.
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the film is rated r. for now showing, i'm carl azuz kron4 news. [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get
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a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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[ male announcer ] only from at&t. it'but sleep train's huge foryeais ending soon.models for a short time, save hundreds on tempur-pedic mattresses. get the most highly-recommended bed in america at closeout prices. plus, get interest-free financing and free same-day delivery. why wait for the new models? sleep train's year end clearance is ending soon. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed.
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♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> pam: we are live with the latest on the. flu the epidemic whatever you're in the mood for, sizzler's endless salad bar has over 50 delicious choices. soups, salads, appetizers, and more starting at $8.99 for lunch.
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sizzler. where fresh is fun.
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(male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. with a developing story. >> the search for a missing girl. the mother says that the child was last seen dropping her sister off at school yesterday morning >> this is a map.
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>> grant? >> yes. >> this is where she was last seen. she was near burbank elementary, dropping her younger sister off. she normally goes to her own school which is the few blocks away winton ave. there are surveillance photographs. these images leaving that school presumably continuing to her own schul. which is what she normally does. we have noticed in the last hour that there is not and amber alert there is not an amber alert. she is believed to be with a 22 year-old neighbor. it is an indication that it
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could be a relative of but that is not the case. it is a 22 year-old neighbor and they are looking out for these two individuals, the girl. and the 22 year-old individual. let me go back to pam. >> pam? >> dan kerman is on the scene. >> family, friends have been on the scene and sending out these flyers. everybody can be on the look out. while the officials to not believe that she is in danger or abducted she believes that she is with a boyfriend. /neighbor but that is not the case. she was convinced beyond her well. the mother joins us. what is your concern she was convinced beyond her will...
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>> we do not know if he is a friend. we just hope that he did not a career out of state or out of the country. >> this former neighbor what is your concern? >> he is not a boyfriend he is somebody that just convinced my daughter to be more than just friends. my daughter is 13 and easily. pressured i used to be 13, i know. >> what about these dozens of people. >> these are all of her friends. we had more people come out earlier. my sister, my family everybody is concerned. this is why we have a showing of support from all the families and friends. this is out of character. she would have called. she did not have
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any belongings with her. >> what is your message to her now? >> to please come home. >> and the mother. they are going to be out passing out fliers. >> pam: are police scouting the area is there any police activity? >> we have seen some of patrol cars at this shopping center in the last 10 minutes. the lme the district and his word district and the alameda district are also and hayward are assisting. >> pam: are there any neighborhood activities planned for tonight? >> they want to get the word out. and pass out these fires. they have many people out looking. passing out
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these -- fliers. >> the cdc and prevention a sign that the flu season is one of the worst. many older people and it has risen sharply. new figures from the cdc showing nearly increased activity. and california is among one of those states. this led to the rush for people to try to get a flu shot for justin waldman is in fremont. people were waiting in line. >> this flu clinic became so popular they have extended its hours until later this afternoon. thursday, friday, they gave out over 200 vaccines. many people came in because they heard about the first flew death of
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the---flu outbreak death.. >> have you tried to look wor vaccines? >> yes, what brings was out. a couple of places have been out. and walgreen's was out >> a shot here is only $10. based on the popularity, it is wondering weather or not to have a clinic again tand next week. >> pam: continuing our coverage people are at the east bay. terisa estacio spoke with people pepper waiting. she was confident the issue was getting the right thing but this is the first time that she is never
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gotten a flu shot am i have never gotten a flu shot. the why now? >> they are saying that it is definitely an issue. i am around geriatric patients frequently and i wanted to protect myself and others. >> issue is not the only one and two of the day there was a steady line of people. at this pleasanton safely. for some, this safeway in pleasanton. they also said that they wanted to make sure that they got the shot before getting sec. >> why did you come in and today? >> i have been meaning to get one into the was the first to the had an opportunity. plus i am going to be going back east and i want to be prepared. terisa estacio, kron 4
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>> check this website out for retail pharmacies are listed. you are able to navigate a retail pharmacy that will work for you. with shortages here, there, this is a great resource.
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>> pam: the man who gunned down two people on the richmond- san rafael bridge toll plaza back in 2009-- is sentenced to death. nathan burris received the death penalty after an emotional hearing in martinez. burris was convicted of killing his former girlfriend and her male friend-- who he believed were romantically involved. >> belmont police released a security camera image showing a suspect wanted for allegedly exposed himself to a woman last weekend. police say the woman was walking on hiller street in belmont around 3:30 in the afternoon-- when a man pulled up in a car and asked for directions. when the woman approached expose himself. investigators say they obtained the image from a security camera mounted on a home in the neighborhood. >> university of california president mark yudof will be leaving his post later this year. yudof says he will resign at the end of august. for
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what of taxing health issues". he planning to return to teaching law at u-c berkeley. yudof has been president of the 10-campus system since 2008. he oversaw some tumultuous times. including deep cuts in state funding and academic programs. sharp increases in tuition. and several rowdy on-campus protests. >> visitors to california beaches are being asked to be extra careful when they are near the water this weekend. the weather is expected to to bring warm powerful waves. the coast guard and national park service are warning swimmers and boaters to be on the lookout for rip tides and sneaker waves that could reach up of 20 feet. the weather is good news for spectators headed to the mavericks big surf contest near half moon bay on sunday. >> the weather looks great for the beaches. temperatures today made it in the upper 60s. oakland,
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68 degrees. and san jose, mid '60s. san francisco, 64. right now, these current numbers in the 50s for the most part. cooling down to 40's. these numbers are going to get pretty chilly again for tonight. the north bay valleys with 20's on tap. santa rosa, fairfield, and upper 30's and low 40's with the bay side. for the south bay the lows tonight will be in the mid upper 30's. more cold temperatures. but tomorrow looking great with your weekend forecast, coming up. >> pam: part two of the revealing interview into lance armstrong's use of drugs continues tonight. we bring you his latest confessions to oprah winfrey. then. those invasive body scans at the airport could be getting the boot from airports. plus. it's no joke. colbert is running for congress! but probably not the
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colbert when we return. at ikea, we don't just design furniture. we design good mornings. little experiments.
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big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone.
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>> just less than 48 hours away. if the 49ers win they will go to super bowl.
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>> j. r.? among right now, the coaches and players are at 40,000 ft.. in route, to atlanta and my plane will be leaving tomorrow. but let me show you some video it was a busy day and said, clara. you can see the coach, jim harbaugh giving colin kaepernick, the man of the hour, and that was all she wrote. this has been quite the week. they were both on the cover of sports illustrated and this was what jim harbaugh had to say. >> speaking of evidence of a lot of the guys have seen
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and this next game is the most important game that we have to do. in order to maintain our task is a big challenge, it is a big game. playing the atlanta falcons for the nfc championship. people have said some nice things about us, that is nice. and the cover of sports illustrated is nice. and that does not change anything about what a workshop is or what our job is. >> i will have the latest on what our jrstonefour is my facebook fan page...
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aircraft. >> catherine: in world news. an update on the hostage situation in algeria. the obama administration has flatly rejected an offer to free two americans held by militants in exchange for convicted terrorists. u.s. officials say one american worker was found dead at a bp-operated natural gas plant seized by extremists. algerian forces launched a rescue operation yesterday. algerian t-v- reports special forces have freed 650 hostages. however the number of unclear. a total of 12 hostages were killed in the rescue effort. in response the u.s. has urged algeria to use "utmost care" to preserve innocent life. >> the second part of lance armstrong's tell-all interview with oprah winfrey is set to air later tonight. but last night's revealing part one is still generating a lot of discussion and backlash. armstrong for the first time publicly confessed to using performance enhancing drugs while winning a record 7 tour-de-france titles. even by his own admission.
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armstrong's apology came too late for some of his former teammates and close friends. the head of the u-s anti- doping agency says the interview is a step in the right direction for possibly reducing armstrong's life time ban. but he still wants the cyclist to give more information about his doping activity under oath. >> he could have come clean. this kite decimated me. this -- guy decimated me. >> there are several more steps. >> catherine: many say that it was not very apologetic. some would like to give him more details. 4-point-3 million people watched the interview last night. >> former new orleans mayor ray nagin has been indicted on federal corruption charges. a 25-page indictment released today accuses nagin of engaging in conspiracy, money laundering and fraud. this comes after two city
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contractors pleaded guilty to bribing nagin in return for no-bid contracts. nagin ran for mayor on the promise he would root out corruption and bring his high tech savvy to city hall. he spent eight years as the mayor. and famously guided the city through the disaster of hurricane katrina in 2005. he is also guilty of possibly-guilty of accepting payoffs and free trips from contractors. >> catherine: comedian stephen colbert's sister is planning a run for congress. sources say elizabeth colbert-busch wants to get the democratic nomination in south carolina's first district. the seat is vacant because of tim scott's appointment to the senate. it's a traditionally right- leaning seat and several republicans, including the state's former governor, mark sanford, are after it. the colberts are natives of charleston. >> this beautiful day today.
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shaping up. this live view of san francisco, the embarcadero, the red, the gold and most of the bay area is working for the 49ers. temperatures in the morning but warming for the afternoon. 60s, similar for sunday. sunshine and temperatures in the 60s and for martin luther king another beautiful day. dry weather and sunshine. here is the satellite with clear skies and high clouds. this storm is over the pacific is way out to the west. and this pattern will stay in place for another three-four days. eventually, by wednesday a storm will break through. just a little bit of light rain in the forecast, right now. look
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for sunshine. 60s. almaden valley and 64 and santa clara, sunnyvale. the coolest will be in the north sections with their field. fairfield and also, the nice weather will hang on for sunday. again, we are going to be cold in the morning with the 20's in the north bay valleys. 30's and 40's in the bay. highs in the mid '60s. nearly 70 degrees and the clouds and increasing with light rain on wednesday. >> pam: after the break. an armored truck guard fights back against a pair of robbers.
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only at safeway. ingredients for life. real big deals this week and every week. [ traffic passing ] ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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>> take a look at this. a brinks guard in florida was moving bags of money into a bank when two robbers ambush him and order him to the ground. the guard is on his stomach, arms out, while the thieves fumble for his gun. but they can't get to it, and grab the cash and run. the guard didn't give up so easily--he gets his gun and fires at them. cameras caught the getaway car--which was found abandoned blocks away. tires flat and bullet holes on the doors. based on blood spatter, investigators think one of the robbers was shot in the leg. the guard was not hurt.and the duo are still on the loose
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>> take a look at the morning lows tomorrow, 30's, '40's. your full forecast,
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coming up
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(male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> reporter: continuing our coverage of the flu outbreak. 263 flu vaccine for given out yesterday and today. they are wondering weather or not to hold another clinic next week. justin waldman, kron 4 >> reporter: continue in our coverage in pleasanton at this safeway they have a received additional doses. they have been trying to heavy demand meet that demand with a computer in sync with the supplier. so far, they have not run out. in pleasanton, terisa estacio, kron 4. >> reporter: in santa clara is all about the san francisco 49 years. and they
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are now, as i speak in road to it live, georgia. on sunday. i will be-in route, also to elect, george show. in the santa clara, j. r. stone, kron 4 news and route to atlanta, georgia. >> reporter: they were giving his team in thiand enthusiastic sendoff. and the beginning of the return to the super bowl. >> last year we started it and this year wheat are going to finish it. the da >> reporter: in santa clara, kron 4. >> this 13 year-old is still missing. the sheriff's officials are saying that she could believe this with
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her 23 year-old boyfriend. there are listing her as a possible run away. however, the mother is not actually saying that he is not a boyfriend. they believe that the talk the dollar against her will. they are passing out fliers they believe that the top-her daughter against her will the tardo order against her will. again, she was last seen yesterday morning she could be being held against her will. >> in terminal 1 at the oakland airport, the full body x-rays will soon be a thing of the past now that the t s a a's will be announcing that these new scanners will be less
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evasive. congress has given a june, 2013 deadline to make the change to the new scanners, nationwide. at the airport, haazig madyun kron 4. >> reporter: in san jose this attempted kidnapping that was all a hoax. they say that after the interview the mother, she made the entire thing up. we spoke to the fog that the this is not the first time nicias fabricated stories. many lies that she has made up. coming up what she has to say. in san jose, alecia reed, kron 4. >> reporter: a beautiful day along the coast with the national weather service said that there are rough seas. with a high surf advisory. 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., sunday. there could be rip currents and sleeper
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waves. gabe slate tech report these are the only ski goggles oakley amazing, high tech. they will connect to your smart phone via a blue tooth and alert you of incoming phone calls, text messages and giving you current conditions and even tracking people you are skiing with if they have the same goggles and app. gabe slate tech report >> plenty of sunshine and warming things up tomorrow. highs in the 60s for most spots. that will peek into
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the 60s for the day. 64 degrees in san jose. 60s in oakland, upper 50s or the inland locations, livermore. the rest of the holiday weekend looks fantastic nice and warm sunday, monday. however, there are some cold temperatures for next week. >> coming up a brief tutorial on what to do when you see one of these signs. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or why it doesn't have to be an adventure to stick to your new year's budget. because safeway gives you real big club card deals each week.
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found people behaving badly. >> it is funny how this person said that there permit allowing him to parked here however, when we checked, there was no such permit. and also, most of the time we will see that these signs do not seem to be obeid. however, this little tiny red sign it seems to be the most ignored, the common stock selling. near renewable or,
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in the marina district drivers constantly are just coasting through these stops signs. here is a brief lesson on how to stop. i guarantee that you'll never get a ticket again if you follow these rules. look for these signs. and there is no three second rule you just have to stop. the longer you stop, the better in it is. and also, make sure that it is behind the limit line. if you follow what i just told you he will not get a ticket. go ahead, practice it, and even try this in the parking lot if you think that it is going to be too difficult. for the record, i tried everything. and the way that i see it, people that even are blowing the horn will not pay your
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insurance premium. >> in sports, it is e-mailed night. kerrey and his li wife and gary radnich --. the coach.
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>> good evening, everybody. the 49ers are ready to go. colin kaepernick and his fellow players, patrick willis. if you want to see guys walking to a tour bus, we have that. gore and colin
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kaepernick, and jim harbaugh. they are all the favorites. >> a big task we are going to play the atlanta falcons for the championship. people have said some nice things about us, that is nice. the colo cover of sports illustrated, that is also nice. that does not change the things about what our job is. >> one of our practices was one of the best that we have had. focused. getting everybody very focused and locked and. >> we are favored to win, lose. we are out there to warm respect. >> this is 100 percent a business trip. i do not have time to stop and think right now.
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>> the 49ers, just one stop away, and coverage with j.r. stone. he will be in atlanta and a sunday night, brian and i will be here to win more business. >> yes i'm looking forward to it. ryan gets more mentions on and the weather highlight. [laughter] >> i believe that. >> palm springs, west palm beach. the other day, on the sunday. their rights to play in atlanta we are talking about the ravens. roll it, the baltimore ravens. this
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is exciting, with a boomerang,. this is a big, big matchup. it could be a harbaugh verses harbaugh super bowl. >> i am very proud of our coach, jim harbaugh. he is a great competitor. i have had to compete and do with them since he was born >> the older brother john. nine and a half point underdog >> the giant to not want to go to arbitration but they have signed buster posy, and $8 million deal for just one easyour. and multi, year could be $20 million per season.
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also avoiding arbitration is hunter pence. $13.8 million and also a local blanco venus williams. here we go. down under 6-1, 6-3. the younger sister, sarina will get even--serena however, how would you like to fly tiger woods to avoid dumpi avoidand this event pays
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him to not make the cut and rory mcelvoy not make the cut and alecia is here with the e-mails... a lot of sports this week, with lance armstrong. felicia, are you ready? >> i cannot believe that it is friday again. >> we get more comments. >> thank you, brian. we are coming back.
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>> remember the brand is here. >> why are the 49ers placing the high school wrestler ma regimehe is lettingk at how far they have come. what they did in high school, college. and i am sure that jim harbaugh likes just to keep it fresh. it was a nice twist. >> and if they want to lose, not much of a waste of time they say that it is the thought that counts. >> and lance armstrong could
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change his image. >> most people say and i think that the public will give the benefit of the doubt but he is a cold. he is coming. and he has sued people. and the fact that his entire image was built on a lottery. and before he took a steroids, his entire image was built on eight-lies. t he admitted that he would not have had victory without doping. i think that it is going to be a slow turnaround. his entire imagery was called on a lot i lies. >> now you are defending the notre dame player that he is young and the it nothing to
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do? >> in deed a distant family members said that he put the entire thing together. all i am saying is that these are kids. >> i do not care either, and not with this story. >> the media is like vultures it does not have anything to do with the football game it is just trying to make him look embarrassed. let us hope that he will grow out of >> and this question. i have a difficult time reaching for release. >> for ray lewis?
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>> it is in a touchy subject i will not report him or against them. >> and richard says that it does not look like you are confident enough to do it without your sports cast with out all of that help. >> i do not need help with with out all of that help. >> i do not need help with an at ikea, we don't just design furniture. we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone.
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